Tech Company Founders:
Sick of paying $250k salaries for 30 hours/week of work?

Steal full-time Eastern European talent from Amazon, McKinsey, Deloitte and more…

Saving 80% on payroll is just the beginning!

Tired of working 16 hour days?

You don't have a "systems" problem.
You have a people problem.

Working with low-cost virtual assistants is just the beginning of what you can do with global talent. 

Unless you want to spend all your time creating step by step instructions and micro-managing your team, you need to raise the level of talent in your business. 

If you’re sick of working long hours just to keep up with everything, you may not have a systems problem, you may have a people problem…

Nate Ruben
Ops manager Hire

You need talent that actually understands your businesses.

Instead of hiring a virtual assistant with little to no workplace experience, hire experienced professionals from  who “get” your business.

There’s no limit to the level of talent you can find in Eastern Europe & South Africa. 

You can even hire folks from big brands like Amazon, Deloitte, and McKinsey for a small fraction of what these same people would earn in the United States. 

That’s where Go Carpathian comes in.

Go Carpathian connects you with experienced professionals.

Nathan and Tim, owners of Go Carpathian

How it works


Talk with a recruiting specialist

two people separated by a desk, computer in the middle

Submit an onboarding form

clock with a heart on the top right

Give feedback on your “calibration candidates” 

two people with an arrow pointing up below them

We use our Four Recruiting Funnels to find you the best fit. 

Hire Critical Thinkers, Not Robots.

Compared to the “traditional” outsourcing countries, hiring in Eastern Europe means hiring talent that is more affordable, better suited for client-facing roles, and who come from professional and cultural backgrounds that make it easy to work with them.

Alin - Macedonia

Sandra - Serbia

Danilo - Serbia

How is Go Carpathian Different from other companies?

How much does it cost?

This will depend on the expectations for & experience needed for the role you’re hiring for. Please book a free discovery call for a quote suited to your specific situation.

We recommend starting the process at least 30 days from your designed hiring date. Faster timelines may be available upon request.

Our speciality is countries in the Carpathian Basin, although we do source from most Central/Eastern European countries: 

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
North Macedonia

Yes, all of our candidates, take written and spoken English tests to even be eligible to apply for the role. Some of our best candidates speak native English.

Any role involving a sales, marketing, operations or administrative role is a good fit for Go Carpathian. Our hires range from entry level virtual assistants to industry leading COOs and marketing professionals.

Each candidate is screened using a variety of industry standard examinations including interviews, skill assessments, and trial runs.

Go Carpathian recruits primarily from an area of Eastern Europe called the Carpathian Basin. For more details see this video.